Author Archives: Annabella Fraschetta

Courses for Horses?

Use your skills & knowledge for passive income Why not use your own skills and knowledge to create a digital course? It can certainly lead to some much needed passive income and may not be as complicated to produce as you may imagine. What are the key elements you need to think about? Let’s suppose […]

Christmas present ideas! smartphone projectors and other great gadgetry from Award winning Sake to quirky little Bento boxes Lockable Storage Boxes A great present for students who can pop food into this unit and dial in a combination code to keep safe in the fridge but equally it’s great for locking away medicines safely. Available in […]

Interview the Expert – Andrea Bayles

Andrea Bayles Registered Nutritional Therapist mBANT, mIFM, mCNHC 1. Andrea, please can you explain to everybody the difference between a Nutritional Therapist and a Functional Medicine Practitioner? The professional body of which I am a member – BANT – states that Nutritional Therapy is “The application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, peak […]

What is an adult portion of fruit or veg?

According to the NHS website, we all need 5 x 80g of fruit and vegetables a day, but in practice what does that actually mean? Firstly the myths No, I am afraid potatoes DO NOT count. Nor do yams, plaintain’s or cassava’s; they are all classed as starchy foods, the same as bread, rice or […]

7 Useful Reusables

A new take on old ideas? As we all begin to adjust to a plastic free world, let’s look at what we can do right now for our world. Biodegradable goods have come on in leaps and bounds recently soI have selected a few everyday products for you to take a closer look at. REUSABLE […]

Mid-life crisis… What mid-life crisis?

So the story goes, it was a Canadian guy in 1957 called Elliott Jaques who came to London and appeared at the British Psycho-Analytical Society as a fellow physician and psychoanalyst, presenting a paper he had written about his studies with a group of artists in their mid 30’s who, he claimed, experienced the extremes […]

Putting yourself out there

‘Here I am World!’ It is only very recently that women in Saudi Arabia have been allowed to drive. Although this seems unbelievably late coming, it does remind us how much women were kept in the shadows for hundreds of years, kept in ‘our place’ and thus reminded us we were not worthy to stand […]