Andrea Bayles Registered Nutritional Therapist mBANT, mIFM, mCNHC 1. Andrea, please can you explain to everybody the difference between a Nutritional Therapist and a Functional Medicine Practitioner? The professional body of which I am a member – BANT – states that Nutritional Therapy is “The application of nutrition science in the promotion of health, peak […]
I doubt if anything has been written about more in the last 100 years than diet and nutrition. It seems we are facing a crisis across the globe as people are getting fatter and no one seems to understand exactly why. So in this section I want to pull together our knowledge so we can get a clearer picture of what’s going on. I want to look at the quality of food including growing more of our own. I want to discuss why so many of us suffer with tricky digestive systems and to throw some light on why and what we can do about it.