Putting yourself out there
‘Here I am World!’
It is only very recently that women in Saudi Arabia have been allowed to drive. Although this seems unbelievably late coming, it does remind us how much women were kept in the shadows for hundreds of years, kept in ‘our place’ and thus reminded us we were not worthy to stand out as our own person. In the last 100 years we also have the Suffragette movement to thank for their courage to stand up for their beliefs and in bringing real change for all of us ladies.
Today we can choose to shine; to find our voices and speak up, to appear on social media, to run businesses as well as homes and families. Putting yourself out there is quite a thing and for some of us a really scary thing! Many of us lack confidence to do so after taking time off work to bring up a family or having suffered a situation that rocks our world such as a long illness or a separation/divorce and which has been really destabilising to our confidence and self esteem. It can be really difficult to reform and start a new chapter.
Start somewhere
Creating a vision board can be an excellent start. It really helps to bring together your hopes and dreams. Gathering together some of the lost fragments of things you have enjoyed in the past, thinking about where you want to be in the world in the future and your place within it can be surprisingly uplifting. Raid your magazine rack or buy a variety of new ones and simply leaf through the pages cutting out images, headlines or in fact anything that appeals to you. Paste it on to a board, add to it over time and use it for contemplation towards carving out your next steps in life.
Create the world you desire
Just by creating your new vision board, you will start the process of change within you. Getting really clear on what shape you want your life to take will start to unfold in front of your eyes. You can start by downloading one of the many mobile Apps available (just search for ‘vision boards’) or if you prefer, get a large piece of cardboard and paste on things that interest you. Generally I prefer to use a physical form of board and place it somewhere I am going to pass it regularly as it helps me clarify what’s missing and what I need to add, before it feels complete.
Vision boards are great for a new business idea, for re-shaping your life after a separation/divorce, for working out a new fitness and healthy eating routine or a multitude of other ideas that benefit by being grouped together so that you can see the whole picture emerging in front of your eyes, providing new clarity for a way forward.